Steam deck: Valve disassembled his gaming

Steam Deck FAQ: 31 Big Questions Answered That says Valve to the Steam Deck Video:

One of the most frequently asked questions we have received to steam deck concerns the components inside the device and the question of whether they are interchangeable or upgradable. The answer is a bit more complicated than a simple yes or no, so we have one Created video in which we explain all the details. Spoiler alarm: We do not recommend sharing parts themselves, but we would like to get all the relevant information about the components of Steam Deck.

Anyway, this is the first public view of the inside of the device, and we hope he likes you. Let us know if this information is useful for you as a steam deck reservation and what else you want for future updates.

This video is about opening a steam deck to replace one or more components. Specifically, it s about the thumb sticks and the SSD. In a way, this is a guidance video, but in other ways it is a why you really do not do this video .

Because even though your PC is or will be as soon as you have received your steam deck, and you have every right to open it and do what you want, we really advise Valve to open him to open. The Steam Deck is a very carefully designed system and parts have been carefully selected for this product with its specific construction. So they are not designed to be exchanged by the user.

Opening and replacing parts can lead to significant problems, eg. For example, if the battery is damaged, the whole device can catch fire later, which would be very bad. So be predicted and overlooks these things the professionals, unless you really want to take a great risk with your property and your life, that could end, if you do that wrong, just to say that.

In addition, the warranty does not cover damage that you want to set up, but after we said all that, we wanted to make this video to just show you what is inside the Steam Deck.

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