Ubisoft Executive has described the current Economic Model of Steam unrealistic

This is a secret secret that companies like Ubisoft and other developers are not satisfied with Steam. Many have openly criticized Steam s business practices. In particular how much money developers receive when they put a game on Steam. Currently, Steam retrieves 30% of all benefits generated by the games on their platform. Ubisoft has probably been the most prominent society that openly disapproves of this practice.

In response to the 30/70 model used by Steam, Ubisoft removed many steam games and now sells them exclusively on their own digital store. However, some Ubisoft games hang on Steam. However, the writing is on the wall. Ubisoft seems to be determined to move away from other retailers online to maximize its profits.

Other online stores, such as Epic Games Store, also attempted to destabilize Steam by taking a lower percentage of profits. Epic Games represents only 12% of income. So, for all your mathematical spirits, it means that Epic Games takes less than half of what Steam does.

Even EA has created its own online store to make Circumnavigate Steam. If you want to play Battlefield 5 or Anthem, you have to download EA Origins to start the game.

Some people in the industry hope that a dose of healthy competition will force everyone to improve their products. Greg Kasavin and Tommy Repeased, both developers, said it would only take advantage of players in the long run. The console cycles were always better when rivalry is vivid, says Kasavin.

Nobody knows how it will happen for large companies. But this news should excite only players.



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