It is time to admit that the start of PS5 and Xbox Series X can delay

The coronavirus outbreak can be more serious than originally adopted.

It should not be surprised that in the face of a possible pandemic, thanks to the Covid-19 Coronavirus, the world attracts a very real possibility that the next-generation console starts - which is officially planned for this Christmas time - could slip in the next year.

You could be tried to pay off this as media-related hysteria and panic - and believe me, if I say that this was mostly my reaction in the last few weeks, as such denschings have become more and more common - but at this point I think it's to admit that this is a very real possibility.

There are many, many, many moving parts that flow into a console start, and only one that is disturbed can have catastrophic wave effects for everything else (a simple example: as a result of the Saturn startup shifted by four months must, Sega could not keep all the retailers in stock with the console, which led to that many of the spurned retailer Sega put on the blacklist and refused to keep the console in stock at all, which the insurmountable lead, the PlayStation At that time already collected, further upheld. The existence of the coronavirus throws such a wrench in many, many, _ many_ these moving parts.

The most obvious impact is the manufacture and shipping. Since the virus is highly contagious (and may also be transferred via surfaces), there is a possibility that it is spread over simple electronics deliveries. If someone with the Coronavirus wraps the console shipments, there is essentially the possibility that the virus continues on the surface of the console boxes (or any part touched) and then transferred to a healthy person when touching it next.

Even if the possibility of remote transmission by surface contact is not taken into account, the simple fact that the virus is present is highly transferable and that it is produced in China, where most electronic devices in the world, including consoles, often occurs, means that these factories and production lines must now be shut down. You must, because otherwise an ignorant victim could pass it on to all others who work there. And this worker may also cause the virus to spread far beyond this factory through the possibility of surface transfer.

This is not just me who clings to straws performative, mind you. We have already begun to recognize real, tangible effects of electronics shortages caused by coronavirus disturbances. The Samsung Galaxy S20 can be found in the shops as good as impossible, and closer to the gaming sphere has confirmed Nintendo that the switch deliveries, at least in Asia and Japan, is severely restricted due to production disorders. Meanwhile fitness game ring fit adventure has seen similar bottlenecks in the west.

If the situation with this virus does not soon improve - and also muss soon, because if the consoles are to come to the market in November, the production of the final models must start at least in a few weeks at the latest - then we stand before the very real view, that you slip into the next year.

The counterpoint to this way of thinking is that Microsoft, Sony and AMD have all confirmed that the consoles are currently on the way at a start during this year. And of course that's the official word - you will not be delayed until you are. But of course, no company will consider having to delay a carefully planned start in the value of hundreds of millions of dollars, resulting in a massive profit for the final result until they have absolutely no other option. So until it becomes absolut clear da PS5 and Series X under no circumstances achieve your planned release date, we will continue to hear that things are on the right track - even if this is not necessarily the case.

There are other ways on how the coronavirus affects the introduction of next-generation consoles. The most obvious one of this is the cancellation of several events (GDC was pushed in the summer, Emerald City Comic Con has been delayed, Sony has retreated from Pax East, and even the ESA has announced that it has a possible delay of the E3 this year in Considering if the situation does not improve). Sony itself was at the forefront with the coronavirus careful with the Coronavirus, as the Pax East appearance has already been mentioned (and Sony was also the first manufacturer outside the gaming area, which came back from the Mobile World Conference in Barcelona in January) .

A console start requires a carefully coordinated marketing campaign - even Nintendo, which has exceeded the boundaries of lead time for a console start with the Switch (born NX), announced this five months before the start and opened two pre-orders months before. And if we consider this as our upper limit, Sony (especially) must properly announce the PS5 to June - which is difficult if you (rightly) remain with public health reasons continue to withdraw from events.

This is neither an attempt of fearlessness nor a downfall. There is a much greater likelihood that these consoles come out this year as planned, as not. I do not want to convince you here that this is not the case - it's about increasing that this is not the case, and ask you to treat the prospect of a serious event at least seriously and prepare yourself . Because in the end, people's lives are much more important than video games, and if Sony and Microsoft Merighter must prioritize before the latter, we should support all this decision not criticizing. It is not that anyway that in the meantime, it lacks great games on our existing consoles.

Note: The views expressed in this article are that of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Gamingbolt as an organization and should not be returned .


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