2011 Released ACT STEAM version El Shadai Released on September 2nd-2 weeks limited discount announcement

CRIM announced that the STEAM version of the action released in 2011 will be released on September 2, and announced that it will be released on September 2 and then released an announstrailer.

Forza Motorsport 7 4K Announce Trailer - E3 2017: Microsoft Conference This work was an action that celebrated the 10th anniversary of the release in April, and the STEAM store page was also released. It is characterized by easy but deeper gameness that can be powered by easy operation as it does not require a manual, and the story of the story after clearing the story after clearing the story after clearing this STEAM version -Rushifel - also comes with.

In addition, art book (purchase required for purchase) and release of soundtracks and El Shaddai Deluxe Pack that came with them is 45% (normal price 7,880 yen) of 45% (normal price) for 2 weeks from released It is also announced.

El Shadai STEAM version is scheduled to be released on September 2, 3,980 yen for Windows (2 weeks from released by 19% discount).


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